Friday, January 27, 2012

This Semester....

     I can't believe it is only the second week of school and I've been swamped with so much to do. And of course to top it all off I've been trying to frantically somehow do the rest of my Physical chemistry homework that will be due every friday. Just impossible.
     Today was so busy. It wasn't really so much a good day or bad day as a day where I've just been all over the place. On a lighter note, I spent quite a while with some people and eating some good food. The Chinese New Year Celebration at my school happened to be surprisingly entertaining. Then I rushed off to a little diner off the outskirts of town to hang out with some other people and take in some heart choking diner food. Afterwards it was back to this awful homework. In any case, I'll need to get back to the salt mines. But before that, I'll put in this very hilarious video about two gay guys cruising grindr while drunk. I love it, but then there was this suck comment about not being into asian guys that made me a little down in some of the other videos. I don't know. Maybe it's because I've never actually gotten out there before but my self-esteem when it comes to being found desirable to pretty low. Sometimes I wrestle with these feelings and they all too easily bring me down so very quickly. And if someone were to find me attractive it would honestly confuse me. But in any case, grindr makes me nervous for a number of reasons any way.


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