Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Go Time

          Things have been stressful considering all the stuff that I've been trying to accomplish. Mostly trying to get my graduate application in, tackling a test, a written test, and a lab report all in one week. I just don't know what I'm gonna do. What in the world? Today was kind of difficult since I was late to class and missed another one which left me in a sort of peeved mood. I also forgot to bring my phone to school which meant I didn't have lunch with Mick today. I'm glad that he remembered though since I saw the text he left me. I just think it was an awful idea to stay up until six in the morning trying to get my stuff in order. What did I just do? I'm too tired to think but then I have to do one hundred sit ups before I go to sleep. Ugh. On another note, I saw my old crush at the gym today. We worked out next to each other on multiple occasions but I really didn't want to bother saying hello. Thought it would be awkward for both of us. I wonder if he saw me? I was a bit upset I kept thinking if he saw me and obsessed over seeing him. Still immature as always it seems.
