Friday, January 20, 2012

I've got time

       Classes are ridiculously tiring. Especially when I haven't had my nine hours of sleep. GAWD, why is my life sooooo hard. Man do I sound like a brat, but in all honesty I was really tired today. The classes I had today were less than fantastic today, especially the lab I had. It was a simple review of the protocols lab that we did. However, I felt like such a dunce because I was the last guy to finish everything and to top it all off I royally screwed some of my results. I'm one of those guys. You might have seen my kind. The one that looks really lost in class and lo and behold he kind of gets through class only after leaving behind a wake of frustration and annoyance to his peers or superiors. That guy. Man, if only I was less careless, but for some reason I really am careless to the point of negligence. Oh, and by the way I totes want to be a doctor so please do place yourself under my care. On the up side I have an attractive scruffy TA and there's a cute guy that sits near me in the lab. Truthfully my cute classmate is more of a short, baby-faced, kind of chubby, extremely scruffy sort of guy. He looks kind of like a baby-faced hobbit. That's more like it. But for some reason I really think he's cute. Doesn't that beat all? I guess scruff is a real turn on for me. Maybe because I can't grow any of my own being Asian and all? That's funny. I also keep on ogling at the scruffy TA but he is married so every time I think about him I feel like a sleezebag.
      Besides my debacle in the science lab I went home and kind of did nothing. I have no plans, although I'm going back home for Chinese New Year, which is always a wonderful celebration. I'm a little perturbed I don't have plans or any friends in mind to go spend time with right now. I actually have quite a bit of time on my hands. It's wonderful, but kind of unsettling. However, I still haven't finished my grad school applications or made any progress so really I'm still a mess. Fantastic. But I am slightly tired, so perhaps sleeping will be the next course of action for me. Probably. I never did like taking care of my responsibilities anyway.


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