Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm getting there?

       The thing I'm most proud of is working out today. I did a great job trying to tire myself out. My day was pretty sweet in that regard. I'm also qualified for a chemistry minor and that was also exciting. On a less gratifying note I kind of bullshitted the rest of the day from seven until midnight. I just can't fathom how I can simply drain five hours of my life in one sitting so easily these days. It's almost second nature. It's scary. I guess I know I'm really in college now. Gotdangit.
       In other news, I saw my very first crush at the gym today. He goes to my university, but I almost never see him. Anyway, it was just interesting to see him because of the amazing stache and beard that he was sporting. He used to have this quirky gait. It wasn't abnormal, just different. It seemed to portray somebody unsure about themselves. I wondered how he had changed, and then I wondered how I have changed over the years. Some things are radically different, and some things still aren't. Like my awful self destructive habits for instance haha...but no seriously. In any case, at least I'm making some progress, but I know I have so much more to go. And of course, 2012 is going to be my year to REALLY change things and make it different. I just want them to be. At the same time, I sound like such a broken record


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