Sunday, January 29, 2012

That was Weird

       Today was pretty uneventful too, although honestly a bit less so than yesterday. Honestly, I was in this ridiculously odd funk for a good amount of the day. I don't know why but I went into this mood that everyone I spent time with didn't have a point since we would all part anyway and other such thoughts that really made me feel as if I was alone against the world and such. All I felt like doing was doing my work well and moving on with my life. I'm sure that I would have come out of it eventually, but just a little while ago I was jolted out of my weird funk. I found out that Red is dating somebody now. After that all of a sudden didn't feel down in the dumps so much anymore. It was the strangest thing. I did feel a sense of loss like I missed out on him as an opportunity I guess, which made me feel ridiculous, but at the same time I felt kind of free? I don't understand it. I guess since he'd been occupying my thoughts every so often it was good for me to find an excuse to let him go? I guess, but now I feel just more energized. So, although I guess I missed out an a guy who wanted to hook up with me, I guess that means I'll just have to really get out there now. No quick blowjob swapping for me yet I guess hahaha. I suppose subconsciously since he was an option in the back of my mind I just stopped trying to get myself out there? Maybe. I'm a strange one.
      On another note, I was dutifully procrastinating on life when my roommate next door starts this crying, shouting match with her boyfriend she was skyping that made me feel reeeeeaaaaalllly awkward. It was even more awkward because I was trying to spank the monkey and all. Doesn't that just beat all? Well, there we go.


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