Sunday, January 15, 2012

It begins?

      I'm super tired because I walked six and a half miles on a nature hike through a state park today. It was very refreshing to an extent before the hunger and fatigue set in. The quiet and serenity were amazing and as we walked the trail snaked through a lake that was absolutely gorgeous. The walk was great also because the people with me started to talk about Christianity and their opinions seemed to actually help me a little with some of my worries. However, I had to leave the parents earlier than they were expecting today and it was a little sad for all of us I guess. Sometimes I feel like I still don't include them in my life as much as I should.
    Now, I'm back at college and things are going to rev up immediately. I have so much to do but that walk in the park really helped me I feel. It was a good note to start on. However, I'm still wrestling with whether I should text up Red and see if he wants to I dunno...get busy? I was hanging out with my best friend earlier and her boyfriend was there. They were both extremely close and cuddly this time around. I don't mind it but just watching them made my heart sink a little making me think about if I could do that with someone too one day. 


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