Monday, August 8, 2011

The End of Summer and the start of....?

       I really have to work on my writing skills. Seriously, they are just lacking. Absolutely awful. Maybe if I'm the world's harshest critic to myself I'll improve? Perhaps.

      Just before I get into it, I LOVE MISFITS!!! What a novel and amazing show!!! Augh!! I love Simon now! He's so much less creepy and unapproachable when he fixes his hair and shows off his fit bod. Heeell yeah. I really want to see more of Alisha and Future Simon. Awesome. I'm also gonna introduce Misfits to my friends. Just freakin awesome. I mean, I hated the first three of four episodes, but who knew it would be such a great series??? Awesome. SQUEEEEE!!! Wow. I really thought I was past this stage of narrative, but there it goes again. Looks like I'll just have to be the world's harshest critic to myself for a bit longer.

      Anyway, so much has happened to me in the past few days that it's really just so uncanny. Classes are over for the summer and I've gone and done quite a few things that make me feel like these past few days were rather productive. I finished my research job for the summer as well as my classes for strength training. There was a guy named Javier who I really liked and wanted to be besties with but I never really got to hang out with him. I keep on wondering if I'll ever see him again? The class itself was difficult, but I'm glad I did it. I actually felt like I was getting my bod whipped into shape now. But now looking forward this semester is going to be so difficult. I'll have to cut social stuff and stack on dat course work AND start studying for the MCAT. Geez. Hoooweee. Lawd have mercy. Hopefully I don't feel that antisocial and alone.

    On that note I've noticed a change in perspective with the people I consider my friends. It's been hard for me to be mature enough to let people in and out of my life. This is especially true for people in my fish camp. They meant so much to me and yet it was so long ago now. I have trouble moving on, but I've finally started to really do that. I do see them fairly often and I want to keep in contact with them, but in the end of the day, I'm going to have to let them go when I graduate. I just don't seem to connect with them on a basis that could lead to some kind of deeper friendship. I want to, but it seems that it will happen whether I want it to or now. I hope this year leads to some kind of closure, or maybe an open door? I guess only time will tell. In other news, I moving out on FRIDAY!!! Gotta get down and move stuff on friday. FUN FUN FUN FUN. D: I was glad to have the roomates that I did. I'm somewhat glad I had Corey as a roomate and REALLY glad to stop living with Steve. I'm SO glad. No more dirty dishes whooop!

   The main reason that I wanted to write this post was because I found out that being a virgin doesn't really matter. It's not a big deal. Perhaps a bit, but I'm so much more comfortable with where I am now. It just did me so much good to know that more people than I think are still holding out for marriage or that real somebody special. It makes me feel much better. I had so many insecurities about it before but know I feel like I am a bit better.

Finally, the family and I took some time out to clean out the grandparents' house today. It was a great bonding experience and we found out such interesting things like how grandpa actually wrote every cousin's chinese names with a sort of feng shui significance that was just so mystical and interesting. It was definitely a sad experience at times, but it was punctured by times of finding strange strange things around the house like a box of wood chips and a purse full of scandalous new underwear. Hilarious.

I had so much to talk about for this post in addition to what I've already written and's suddenly gone? But, oh well, more of my currently AMAZING life to come.

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